Going by all measures, battery backup systems stand out! They’re eco-friendly, easier to install, and cheaper to operate in the long run than generators. In this article, we’ll compare both emergency power systems while you conclude which is worth your investment.

Image Source: Semper Solaris
Power backup supplies are a solution to power outages, especially if you live in places with extreme weather conditions or epileptic power supply. It is intelligent to have a backup power source for your appliances at home and in the office. These devices will handle all your power concerns and give you peace.
With the development of technology today, several power backup systems are on the market, each serving almost the same purpose. Standby generators dominated the market in the past, but with negative feedback. However, battery backups are emerging and have proven to be a better option. Let’s dive further as we compare both technologies for an informed decision.
Battery Backup – Definition and Introduction

Image Source: Smucker’s Energy
A battery backup, an uninterrupted power supply (UPS), guarantees power backup and consistent electricity when the primary source is faulty or out. The backup system alternates between the primary power source and an internal battery.
Battery backup systems are permanently installed in the home while connected to the overall power grid. The batteries are charged via the power grid or a solar panel when not in use. Which is then used to power household appliances during a power outage.
Home Generator – Definition and Introduction

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A home generator is a backup electrical system that automatically provides electricity during a power outage. This device handles your electricity concerns at home, in business, or on the go (portable power generators).
Home generators are the conventional power backup system with a long history of supplying electricity when the grid is off. They are permanently installed outside your home and can be turned on and off when needed. Unlike a battery backup system, this traditional system needs a fuel supply to operate.
Generator vs. Battery Power Systems for Home: Why The Comparison?

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Since both systems offer emergency backup power for home and office appliances, the question is, “why the comparison?” Although both power systems offer the same purpose; however, the difference is clear.
The comparison will keep you informed on the pros and cons of both backup power systems and help you make the best choice for your home and business.
Reasons Why Home Battery Backup Surpasses Generator

Image Source: Energy Sage
Do you need clarification about which power backup option to opt for among the two available ones? Here are reasons why battery backup surpasses generators for your home and office appliances.
#1 Home Battery Backup: A More Eco-friendly Choice Than Generator
An environment free of toxic emissions and safe to dwell in is considered eco-friendly. But sadly, this isn’t the case with generators. Diesel generators emit toxic substances such as carbon monoxide, particulate matter, nitrous oxide, and other hydrocarbons. Propane and natural gas generators also emit toxic substances into the environment.
Unfortunately, these emissions are dangerous to you and your family, making generators a no-go option. On the other hand, battery backup systems do not emit any of these substances. They are eco-friendly and completely safe, with no negative health impact on you and your family.
#2 Home Battery Backup: The Power of Silence:
If you have ever had a home generator, you’ll agree it’s terribly noisy. In fact, studies have attributed noise pollution to negative social behavior, sleep disruption, hearing loss, cardiovascular diseases, etc.
Power outages pose stress to us already, and generators add to the stress. It is, therefore, necessary to conclude that generators violate many HOA bylaws and ordinances. In contrast, home battery backup systems are silence personified because they offer perfect silence, giving you and your neighbor a serene environment.
#3 Battery Backup VS. Generators: Size
While there are portable generators that are quite small, built-in generators with the same capability as a home battery backup system will occupy an appreciable amount of space in your yard. Moreso, to install this generator, you’ll need some substantial concrete around the area.
However, battery backup systems that are of smaller size are wall-mounted and do not need any construction. The batteries are only placed a few distances from the wall and can be placed close to your solar equipment or garage shelving.
#4 Home Battery Backup: Instant-On Option
During power outages, the best backup generators in the industry take a few seconds to cycle up. This deal can cause unnecessary stress, affect your children, etc. And a portable generator might require manual wiring, making your home appliances shut off and reset.
By contrast, battery backup circuits come on instantly during a power outage. The batteries respond immediately that even your clock won’t blink. In fact, Tesla had some issues with its Powerwall in which the batteries kicked into action; the house owner didn’t know of the power outage.
#5 Home Battery Backup Option: Earthquake Proof
The local utility company shuts off the natural gas service to avoid potential fire erupting from gas lines after an earthquake. If you live in earth-quake-prone areas like California, an in-built gas generator will be discouraged.
However, a home battery backup system can handle this challenge.
#6 Battery Backup for Home: Enjoy More Freedom Than Generator
As a homeowner with a battery backup solution, you enjoy freedom (energy independence). Producing your power grants you freedom and dependence on the electric grid. While having a generator backup leaves you entirely at the mercy of the electric grid for electricity.
In addition, a combination of solar and battery backups allows you to produce, store, and provide your electricity, reducing reliance on the local utility.
#7 Battery Backup System: Save Money for Your Home
Solar panels and battery backup systems save you money via load shifting, reducing your electricity bill because they can function every day of the year. Also, the energy is kept in reserve when you don’t lose power.
In contrast, generator backups are fuel or gas-powered and must be kept on during an outage for longer if you need your home to stay lighted. This means you’ll be spending thousands of dollars to keep it operating for as long as you choose.
#8 Battery Backups Vs. Generators: Less Maintenance
When it comes to maintaining your battery backups requires less maintenance compared to generators. Typically, you’ll need to cycle your generate at least once every month to ensure all its internal components are lubricated and functioning properly. Some require the service of a technician.
However, a battery backup requires no form of maintenance. All you need to do is clean its surface regularly to keep it shining. Be rest assured that it will protect and serve your family.
What Are The Different Types of Battery Backups?

Image Source: Canva
There are several types of batteries used in battery backup systems. Below is an overview of the batteries.
#1 Lithium-ion Battery

Image Source: Green Light Solar
Lithium-ion batteries are the most popular batteries for home systems. Today’s most popular battery backup system products are lithium-ion batteries, including Panasonic EverVolt, Tesla Powerwall, Generac PWRcell, etc. They’re energy savers and lightweight, making them a perfect option for home systems.
#2 Flow Battery

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Redox flow batteries are less common in home systems since they’re primarily for commercial purposes. However, it has promising technology and could become widely used in home battery backup systems later.
#3 Lead-acid Battery

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Lead-acid batteries have existed for many years and are primarily used in cars. Although. They are cheaper than lithium-ion batteries but need to be more efficient as them. This means they aren’t fitted for small systems.
Get Ready for the Next Blackout: Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Battery Backup for Your Home

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You must seek a solution before the next blackout, especially in areas with poor power supply or natural disasters. Now is the time to prepare ahead. You are given a guide on choosing the best battery backup system for your home and offices.
#1 Battery Basics
As discussed earlier, they are different types of rechargeable batteries. But the difference lies in their lifespan, price, capacity, and charging time.
- Lead battery technology is tested to be reliable and most effective. It also has a shorter lifecycle, and it’s recommended only to discharge 50% of its capacity. It also takes longer to charge uninterruptedly.
- A lithium-ion battery is the newest technology used in laptops, phones, cordless appliances, etc. It can discharge up to 80% of its capacity and have a faster charging time, and is more expensive than lead batteries.
You can determine the best based on these battery specifics depending on your requirements.
#2 Essential Requirements
Select a home battery backup solution based on your basic requirements. Some rechargeable batteries have limitations and may not support some heat-related appliances. Home appliances like microwaves, heaters, ovens, etc., are not fit for all battery backup systems. So, do well to carefully check the capabilities of the batteries in the unit before purchasing.
#3 Do Your Calculations
Add up all the watts in your essential devices to know the required power capacity. You can check the back of each device or its corresponding adapter to figure out the maximum watt of the device.
This calculation will help determine which battery backup solutions best suit your need, allowing additional capacity in your backup system.
The Cost of Generator and Battery Backup System: Which Is Worth Your Investment

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Typically, a battery backup system is more expensive than a generator backup in up-front cost. A battery backup system with enough capacity to power your home and office appliances costs between $10,000 to $20,000, while a home generator costs between $7000 and $15,000.
Although a battery backup system is more expensive than a generator; however, the former is best and worth your investment because of its numerous benefits.
As we conclude from all that has been discussed, it’s no doubt that a battery backup system is preferable to a generator backup. However, both options increase the value of your home. However, going by other benefits, a home battery backup is surpassing.